Why do I need a Verification of Assessments?


This certificate identifies assessments and other moneys owed to the association by the unit owner for prospective buyers before the closing of a sale. The certificate provides a prospective buyer with information specific to the named property owner and association (current rate of assessments, due dates, pay frequency, balance, etc). If the association is part of another entity or facility (master association, sub-association or recreation association, etc.), a separate disclosure document will be needed for that association.

Why do I need association documents?


Florida Statutes require that the seller provides the buyer with a set of the association’s documents. If these are not available from the seller they may be ordered on this website.

Why do I need a Lender / Mortgage Disclosure?


Mortgage Lenders require specific information regarding the association (financial information, property ownership ratio, insurance agency, delinquency data, etc). This document is also known as the warranty letter, condo cert, HOA cert, PUD cert or mortgage cert.

Who should request the documents?


Usually, the seller requests and pays for the resale disclosure document. However, a title company, Realtor or other agent may order the documents for a client. Please note that the full payment must be received before processing will begin.

How long does it take to receive documents?


Processing will begin once the request and payment have been received. All requests are processed in the order in which they are received.

Rush (3 business days)
Standard (10 business days)

How is the document(s) delivered?


Completed documents will be sent via email unless noted to send by fax. Items may be mailed; however, additional fees may apply.

Do I have to pay in advance for the item(s) I need?


Yes. Payment is only taken in advance with a credit or debit card online. Documents may be ordered by the seller, real estate agent, title company or mortgage company/broker. Please note that the full payment must be received before processing will begin.

Can I place an order and pay without a credit card?


Yes, you may pay by sending a check with the mail in form. Please refer to the homepage and click on “Apply By Mail”.

Make check payable to Leland Management and mail to the following address:
6972 Lake Gloria Blvd.
Orlando, Florida 32809-3200

Whom do I contact to answer general questions?


Please contact us Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST at 407-781-1188.